Tina Lu

Submitted For
Module 9 - Points to Ponder
Please share your comments on 3 of the following Points to Ponder questions. (Choose 3 of the questions below.)

Can you guarantee that the completed building will match the performance predicted by the analysis in its day-to-day operations?

  • Why or why not?

No, the building energy will largely depend on the everyday habits of the people living/using the building. Small habits can make huge impacts on the building’s energy conservation.

When choosing settings for each of the building performance factors, should you always choose the setting that gives the absolute lowest predicted energy use?

No, because you also have to consider construction prices. The investment in lowering the energy levels and optimizing the energy efficiency and building design may not be worth the construction prices.

How can model-based quantity takeoff improve the design process?

How can designers improve their designs using the information provided by preliminary estimates of the cost of building their design ideas?

With preliminary estimates of the cost of building their design ideas, stakeholders can have a better grasp of the costs and make appropriate decisions accordingly.