Design Project 2

Link to Student
Journal Entry For
Project 2 - POV Statements
  • You've been researching, observing, and interviewing... it's time to summarize your insights from all that work and define the problem or need you'll use as the basis for your proposed design idea.
  • Please craft a single Point Of View statement that clearly describes [Who] needs [What] for [Why]
  • What need are you trying to address?

Potential Point of View Statements being considered

Stanford students need a product or service that educates them about their water usage to promote sustainable behaviors among their community.

Students have a difficult time visualizing their entire “water footprint,” or total direct and indirect water usage. Without a tangible or comparable result to their water usage, they are able to defuse their responsibility. Students require personalized insight and accountability. This approach also encourages students to achieve sustainability through their own volition, not imposed.

Stanford students need an initiative that provides incentives/disincentives so they engage in sustainable water usage.

Stanford students need to be pushed by a separate initiative or entity; without a third party’s accountability, students’ cannot be trusted to engage in sustainable behaviors. This is an active approach to sustainability. Incentives/disincentives vary according to the implemented strategy (is it a competition or a challenge?).

Selected Point of View Statement

Stanford students need a product or service that educates them about their water usage to promote sustainable behaviors among their community.