Design Project 2 | Prototype Work In Progress

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Journal Entry For
Project 2 - Prototype WIP

Share your work-in-progress using any media that works well for you:

  • Messaging concepts
  1. There is no Planet B. We are ALL responsible for better decisions in our procurement process. See how easy it is to purchase your supplies from climate-conscious vendors at our site or email us at to set up a walkthrough
  2. Help us help you! We have identified the best sources for supply purchasing for most key materials used in Stanford Labs. Check out  our site or email us at to set up a walkthrough
  3. 45% of Stanford's greenhouse gas emissions are indirectly influenced by our purchasing policies and suppliers. Leadership has committed to the trustees to monitor and reduce our GHG from purchasing and would love to help you achieve that goal. Check out  our site or email us at to set up a walkthrough
  4. Nele - responsible leadership/stewardship concept: favor their egos how do you become more responsible leadership; stewardship in sustainability
    1. BMW Foundation - responsible leadership
    2. Corporate Eco Forum
  5. Who’s the actual decision maker/influencer? Post-doc or PhD
  6. what does the current data say about the trend?
    1. what has she tried? and worked?
    2. what has she not tried?
  7. how to get them there?
    1. Poster?
    2. Slack group?
    3. Email?
    4. badge of honor for lab doors! (like City issued ABC grades)

Motivation: nothing at risk! Get my job done, publish, get tenure