Klay: Zero Waste Building Process

Link to Student
Journal Entry For
Project 2 - Domain / Area of Opportunity

Please describe a domain or an area of opportunity that you’d like to use as the focus for Design Project 2.

Start by reviewing the initiatives described on the Sustainable Stanford website. Then, identify the domain that you’d like to explore and use as the focus for your Design Project 2.

The idea is that you’ll be working with a Stanford Group to understand their challenges and needs as they promote their sustainability initiatives. You’re task will be to work with them to design a project that will help to promote sustainable behaviors and practices for the clients that they serve.

Please share your initial thoughts in a few paragraphs below…

The domain/area that I’d like to focus on is….

The Zero Waste Building System

And the reason that this area is important and meaningful to me is….

Buildings are significant contributors to waste generation, both during construction and demolition. The Zero Waste Building System aims to minimize this waste, reducing the amount of material that ends up in landfills. This approach helps conserve natural resources, reduces pollution, and mitigates the environmental impact associated with the extraction, processing, and disposal of building materials.

From other aspect like economic, job creation and human health, zero waste building system can help organizing them creating a better society.